Will Bricks Explode in a Fire Pit?

  • By: Mike Hale
  • Date: July 17, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Fire pits can add warmth to a cool evening and serve as focal points for patio or backyard living areas. There are numerous fire pit designs, which incorporate different materials, an example of which are bricks. Bricks are a popular material used in the construction of fire pits. 

There have been cases of explosions in fire pits that on investigation seem to have no apparent cause. One thing most people would always like to find out, as a result, is whether bricks are responsible for this. So, will bricks explode in a fire pit?

Very rarely and in extreme cases will bricks explode in a fire pit. Bricks are usually quite porous, and explosions will result from the rapid heating of water trapped in the bricks, which causes pressure build-up. If the pressure is enough, the brick might explode. In most cases, however, bricks will crack and pop in a fire pit.

In this article, we are going to discuss in detail whether bricks will explode in a fire pit, how much heat a regular brick can withstand, the best bricks for your fire pit, and how to choose the best bricks for your fire pit. So sit back and read on to find out more. This will certainly be an enlightening article for you!

Will Bricks Explode in a Fire Pit?

Will Bricks Explode in a Fire Pit?

In most cases, a fire pit will explode if the wrong materials are used in its construction. Some materials can trap water inside them and when these are used in fire pits, they get heated up and may explode.

Bricks are a popular material used in the construction of a lot of fire pits. They are cheap and this is why they are preferred. They are also extremely variable in terms of density, composition, porosity, and ability to withstand temperature. With this in mind, it’s understandable for you to wonder whether they can explode in a fire pit.

Yes, they can explode. The catch is that this is extremely rare. A brick will explode in a fire pit because of one major reason:

If there is water trapped in the brick.

Bricks are porous meaning they can retain a lot of water. So when a brick that has its pores full of water is in a fire pit, the water gets heated up rapidly and transforms into vapor. This vapor causes a huge pressure build-up within the brick which can make it explode.

A brick may also explode in a fire pit if it’s exposed to too high temperatures. High temperatures affect the integrity of the brick which may cause it to break off or in extreme cases explode.

It should, however, be noted that the chances of a brick exploding in a fire pit are quite minimal. Most of the time, they usually crack, crumble, and pop as a result of the high temperatures in the fire pit.

How Much Heat Can a Regular Brick Withstand?

Like we have already mentioned, bricks come in different densities and compositions. Because of this, different bricks will be affected differently by extreme temperatures. Some bricks can withstand high temperatures without crumbling or exploding. On the other hand, some bricks cannot withstand high temperatures and will therefore be ruined.

It is therefore important to know how well a regular brick can hold up to extreme heat. In essence, a regular brick can withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Any more than that and the brick will crumble or even in some cases explode. So if you use these regular bricks for your fire pit, they will likely shatter under the intense heat.

Therefore, because of this, it’s important to use a type of brick that is more heat resistant and which will not crumble under extreme temperatures in the fire pit. At the end of the day, choosing the right brick for your fire pit should be a top priority of yours!

Best Bricks for Your Fire Pit

As we have already discussed, standard regular bricks are not the best type to use in a fire pit. There are numerous types of bricks, and it can sometimes be hard to find the right one for your fire pit. Luckily though, we have you covered. Here are some bricks you can use for your fire pit:

Fire Bricks

Just as the name suggests, these bricks can withstand extremely high temperatures. They have refractory properties, which makes them a good choice for your fire pit. They have thermodynamic qualities, which means they can withstand temperatures of up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

Compared to traditional bricks, they are heavier and have lower porosity making them denser than regular bricks. Their thermal conductivity is also lower than that of regular bricks. This means that temperatures aren’t transferred from one brick to the other. This offers greater energy efficiency. It also creates an insulating effect. This is why fire bricks are a popular choice for fire pits.

You can find Fire Bricks on Amazon.

Cinder Bricks

Cinder bricks, otherwise known as cinder blocks, are also a good material for your fire pit. They can withstand extremely high temperatures and will therefore not explode when exposed to such temperatures. Compared to fire bricks, they are much more affordable and therefore preferred by most people. They can serve as a useful perimeter to keep the flame at bay and absorb the heat.

You can find Cinder Bricks on Amazon.

How To Choose the Best Bricks for Your Fire Pit

Choosing the right type of brick for your fire pit can be a confusing undertaking. You may have to consider several things when doing this so that you get the best fit for you. So to choose the best brick, you need to consider these things:

How To Choose e Best Bricks for Your Fire Pit

Refractory properties

A refractory brick is a brick that can primarily withstand high temperatures. So when choosing the best brick for your fire pit, you need to pick one that has a high refractory rating. Such a brick will be able to withstand the extremely hot temperatures in the fire pit. For example, fire bricks can withstand temperatures of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

Thermal conductivity

The best bricks for your fire pit will have low thermal conductivity. This will make your fire pit more energy efficient.


The chemical composition of a brick is an important factor to consider. If more or less than the required amount of any of the brick components exist, it may cause serious damage to the brick. A regular brick’s chemical components include silica, alumina, magnesia, lime, iron oxide, and alkalies. Some bricks will be dense and heavy due to the chemical components, while others will be light and brittle.

In conclusion, not all bricks will be good for your fire pit. Care should therefore be taken to choose ones that will not crumble or even explode. Follow the tips on this guide.